Scientific expedition to Jorge Montt Glacier - Southern Patagonian Icefield

Feb 07

Dispatch #2

Published at 03:34
Dispatch created from email
We are already at Caleta Tortel, on board our two vessels, Huemules
and Sea Bear, all systems to be used oversea are ready:
Seismic to see the internal structure of the sediments filling the
fjord after the retreat of the glacier.
Bathymetry to map the sea bed and the geoforms left by the glacier as
frontal and lateral moraines.
CTD to measure profiles of temperature, conductivity and turbidity of
the water column from surface to the seafloor.

Everybody is extremely enthusiastic to start the measurements and to
get the glacier, Tortel is a wonderful place and the vessels crew is
extremely kind.

We hope to start our way tomorrow very early in the morning.

Here some photos.
  • Name: No definido
  • Elevation: 0 m
  • Latitude: 47° 4830South
  • Longitude: 73° 324West


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